How To Retain Good Employees: Part 3 – Personality Fit

Friday, June 14 24 04:56:17

We are doing a set of blogs to help you with keeping those good employees.  Make sure you stay tuned for the next set of tips…  

Another step to ensure a good culture is making sure you employ somebody with the right personality fit and values. Employers might want the most experienced (and value for money) or want the cheapest person to employ. However, for both scenarios and situations in between, you owe it to your business to ensure your new team member that will be a good fit. 
Having established the values and culture you project onto your business, now you need someone who can (a) obviously do the job, but will also (b) sign up to the same workplace cultural values that you have. This needs to be a major determining factor in your decision-making process.   

A quick rule of thumb or a tip to achieve this is to imagine the following scenario. Is this the type of person you’d be happy to sit down and have a beer or socialise with? It is as simple as that! Or alternatively, could this person be someone you would dread having to sit beside at the Christmas party? 

 To summarise, surround yourself with people who are likely to have the same workplace culture that you have. Better to employ a good fit that may even require some training than have the world’s best “expert” who is painful to be around. At the end of the day, we all know that we spend more time with colleagues than with our own family and friends. It is a massive part of your day and your potential overall happiness.  


In my series of short tips, I will give you quick, concise success hacks to retaining your quality employees based on years of interviewing candidates and hearing their thoughts, impressions, and opinions of employers that have influenced their decision-making. I have broken down this information into bite-size chunks just for you.  

If you are looking for a way to get ahead. Contact us at Arcadia Recruitment today, we pride ourselves in finding the right fit for your business.  

Written by Caroline Sanders – Director of Arcadia Recruitment



