How To Retain Good Employees: Part 1 – The Why

Tuesday, June 11 24 05:08:43


We are doing a set of blogs to help you with keeping those good employees. Make sure you stay tuned for the next set of tips…

Setting the scene:
You have a project deadline or have just won that all-important tender, have evaluated delivery timelines and now you need more resources fast. You start the search for talent and after all the time, effort, and investment (either directly or through an agency).
You have invested in employing the best employees possible, it’s now more important than ever to keep and retain that person long-term. You now need to be able to retain that talent!

Over the last 15 years in recruitment, I have personally been helping clients with selecting their employees, helping to promote the importance of keeping valuable team members, and highlighting the necessity of obtaining valuable exit interview information.
We at Arcadia Recruitment place a huge emphasis on maintaining good relationships with our clients and candidates alike. This together with our background in Applied Psychology puts us best placed to understand both an employee’s and employer’s perspective and their different perspectives don’t always tally.

Let’s step into the shoes of your employees and view from their perspective and their wants.

It’s all about the money you say. Salary is important of course it is. But is that what you think it is all about? Yes, we all have bills to pay, interest rates are going up, and then there is inflation, and everyone is this hot market is aware of their worth $.

  • However, there are those employees that are stayers, ones that could leave for more money but would rather remain.
  • There are those that leave for lesser pay elsewhere.
  • There are those that bolt within weeks of starting a new role.

Why is this? I have lost track of the number of candidates I have spoken to over the years who have started with a new company and within weeks are ready to exit reaching out to us say “please help”.

Why is all this information important?

  • A good employee leaving  can have a devastating impact on your project deadlines.
  • A good employee leaving can change the culture within
  • An unhappy employee could lead others to follow and leave
  • Many exits could threaten your corporate reputation.

In my series of short tips, I will give you quick, concise success hacks to retaining your quality employees based on years of interviewing candidates and hearing their thoughts and opinions that have influenced their decision-making. I have broken down this information into bite-size chunks just for you. If you looking for a way to get ahead. Contact us at Arcadia Recruitment today, we take pride in finding the right fit for your business.

Written by Caroline Sanders – Director of Arcadia Recruitment


