Christmas Spirit and Why It’s Important

Friday, June 14 24 06:10:26


The annual Christmas festivities have begun, and the work party is approaching fast. You ask yourself why you should go to the Christmas party or stay out with the company after work hours as you are tired, and it has been a long year. You may think it is not your thing to go to large gatherings with people you spend all day with anyway. You might have personal obligations such as kids and would have to organise a sitter or maybe last year was a terrible party so why go again, or you need to dress up in a Christmas theme, and you could not be bothered.

Whatever the story and circumstance it is important to let your employer know early on. However, if you are just procrastinating you need to think of all the positives of attending. Skipping the party can have implications on the company culture and where you fit in within the company long term.

If you do not attend you are missing those friendly casual chats with colleagues and management in a relaxed setting, these colleagues could become solid friends. By not attending you reduce the likelihood of building rapport and reduce getting to know the ins and outs of the company culture, and history of employees and risk not having the support of your colleagues.

On a professional level if you are the one who never attends these events this could indicate to management a lack of interest in the company and disinterest in getting to know people which could affect your career prospects indirectly as they won't see you as a team player that will be there for the long haul.

Here are some of the benefits of attending:

  • Mingling and chatting and having fun at the best time of year will allow you to meet people in the business informally, ones you have never met or properly chatted to before and increase future collaboration.
  • You may meet people at the venue, new people from other companies or clients will increase your networks.
  • Showing your face indicates you are engaged with the business making a great impression to management.
  • The more people who attend the better morale and you will make stronger bonds with the people you work with who could become friends in addition to work colleagues.
  • Being sociable improves your communication skills and can help you progress in your career.
  • Let the company reward you for working hard, it is a time when you can let your hair down to a certain extent and unwind making for a memorable night that you and your colleagues can talk about in the office.

Although every company is different in size and culture with different characters within. The Christmas party is a chance to have some fun. After-hour parties are voluntary, and employers will presume you are staying on. However, if you genuinely cannot attend be sure to let management and colleagues know early in a nice respectful way. The Christmas party is meant to be fun so if you can let yourself have fun and join in with the spirit of Christmas.

Arcadia Recruitment are specialist in Architecture, Design and Planning in Brisbane if you would like help with finding your new role, please feel free to get in touch for a confidential discussion.

Caroline Sanders – Director of Arcadia Recruitment


